Monday 30 November 2009

Last view, I promise

From my room in Kuala Lumpur.
Back in Paris at last, enjoying a few days before heading off again. While I've been away my daughter has learnt German, and forgotten English. She also seems to have learnt the violin which is curious, as when I left she was a pianist.

Thursday 12 November 2009


In Malaysia now, Kuala Lumpur, with an incredible view of the twin towers from my window. It is unbelievably hot and muggy, but raining at the same time. Very strange sensation, walking in the rain but feeling the need to roll up your sleeves as it's too hot.
I have discovered the joys of Skype, which means I can now work on my computer with a live video of my wife cooking in the background. And I don't need to offer to help- surely the perfect situation?

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Another view

And this one, just outside the room I was teaching in yesterday. I
taught 10 brilliant youngsters at the Hong Kong Academy, in between
popping out to look at the view.

More like it

I'm rather obsessed with the views from various rooms I get put in, as
you can tell from this blog.
This one was my Hong Kong hotel room.

Friday 6 November 2009

Hong Kong!

I am looking at Hong Kong from my window, and I've never seen anything like it. I haven't had a chance to go sight-seeing yet as I only arrived 2 days ago and played my concert last night, but I have many plans.....
Last night I ate jellyfish- I have photographic evidence which will come soon.