Friday, 14 January 2011

Run, Forest, Run

So the running's going quite well thanks. I have a Nike+ app on my iphone which allows you to 'challenge your previous run' by trying to run faster or longer. It shouts recorded messages of American men screaming encouragement at you as you reach a certain distance, hopefully ahead of your previous time, so you know you're winning. I say this having never heard such shouting as I seem to be getting slower with every run, so my iphone stays deafeningly silent.
Also the writing in the app is all in French so everything involves a certain amount of guesswork.

Anyway, luckily I travel quite a bit so I always have a reason to get out of the groove with exercising. This weekend it's back to London for a bunch of meetings and some rehearsing.
Some of the meetings are for our new venture- in November we launched a new foundation, to go alongside the record label, which will hope to provide grants for certain brilliant young musicians to make and promote recordings. It has a group of incredible trustees so I have high hopes for it.
You can check it out here:

I am now being regularly 'chased' by my own manager to see if I've been running enough. This blog is nothing but trouble.

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